Strategy tools, courses & learning materials for individuals, universities and business
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Just like engineers can watch on-screen how their factory is working, you can see a working model of your business system, and how it evolves and delivers sales and profits.

  • See how the key factors in the business are building – customer growth and retention; staff hiring, promotion, turnover; product development and support …
  • Then see how those pieces depend on each other to grow and drive results. Why are customers being lost? Will better channel partners bring in customers faster? Will we have the staff we need for great customer support in coming months?
  • Watch how that system has played out to get you where you are today, and project likely results out into the future. Intuitive visuals give your teams a helicopter view of how the whole business, or any function, is doing.
  • Check that your strategy will keep the system healthy, so it can continue delivering strong sales and profits.
  • Foresee problems and take corrective actions before they hit you

This is not technically complicated - intuitive software captures and quantifies all the key elements of the system, and plays out the relationships between them, showing how all the numbers are changing.

  • Model just as much as you need – just an isolated issue, a key initiative, or the whole business …
  • Simple software captures and quantifies all the elements in the system, and plays out the relationships between them, showing how all the numbers are changing.
  • … you get a digital twin of the business system that explains how you got to today, where things will likely go in future, and plays out strategies and scenarios to deliver better results.

(PS: You can’t do this by woking with columns of numbers in a spreadsheet!)


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In every field of life - social, environment, public services, business - apparently simple challenges seem tough to crack. Our efforts either do not to work, or they lead to further unforeseen problems. One way of exploring and proposing solutions for such problems is to use a dynamic model.

To experience building a model for yourself take our free course about reducing certain crimes on the public-transport system. See how you can work through a logical 'agile' process to get from the first chart of the outcome you want to see, back through the factors that drive that outcome and the interdependencies between those factors.

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At the heart of our our business modelling courses, Silico is a powerful, user-friendly online tool for building working, quantified models of any business challenge or plan. Silico also has the capability to handle large and complex models, and to integrate with corporate data-sources.

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Online courses

Comprehensive courses: learn to build and use "digital twin" dynamic business models.

Our self-guided, online modelling courses for analysts, consultants, accountants and executives wanting to build living business models.

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Registered Teachers


Free courses and other resources

Stratey dynamics can be introduced into existing strategy courses without hurting your budget. Here are some recommended key teacher resources.

To help you learn more our online courses are available free to recognised academics.

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Serious games

Focus on Strategy

For degree level and executive events

Focusing on key issues in strategy implementation, our proven strategy games provide engaging events that can be run in a single session, but are rich enough to support longer classes.

Games can be played in class or remotely by individuals or groups.

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"Essentials" textbook

Buy PDF format on this site or print/Kindle from Amazon.

Strategy Dynamics Essentials
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Strategy Dynamics has brought together a very impressive and clear process with great supporting materials.

The software is really user friendly. As I am going through the Business Modeling course I’m building a model for Synergia and as we have two business - one in Australia and one in NZ - the sub-models are great. The example in the instruction video of ‘region1' and 'region 2' fits perfectly.

David Rees - Founding partner, Synergia -
I had the opportunity to take the Strategy Dynamics & Business Modeling combined course in Spring 17 .. It was a great learning experience, the level of knowledge depth was rich and mind opening, it was also combined with heavy participates and exercises that brings the principle to live .. The icing on the cake to me was the weekly one hour discussion with Professor Kim and the group all around the world, that alone is a unique and enriching experience .. ​
​Ahmed Waleed
"I’ve completed the entire Strategy Dynamics course and started the Business Modeling course. These are fantastic - so great that we are looking to hire people with these skills. Thanks!"
Bob Lamb: Founder & CEO, Foundation for Inclusion
"I want to personally thank you for this great course. It has been the most exciting I have taken. I will definitely do this type of work for my clients at the agency."
Esteban Ribero: VP Strategy - Leo Burnett/Lapiz
On our newly re-validated MBA we have three strategic management modules. Strategic Management Dynamics is recommended for two of the modules, strategic management and critical issues in corporate strategy.
"Strategic Management Dynamics offers a well structured and dynamic view on strategic management. Overdue and highly recommended."
"The emphasis on performance over time is very worthwhile and often neglected in mainstream strategy texts. Hence, I think Strategic Management Dynamics is a valuable and useful extension."
"I have applied the principles and practices in several business units both at Sun Microsystems and Microsoft..The resulting performance speaks for itself - everywhere I've introduced this, it remains a key tool in the senior managers' kit."

John Kapson, Managing Consultant, Sun Microsystems
I'd just like to say how impressively professional the whole strategy dynamics enterprise is. All the materials that accompany the course are first-rate and there's a huge amount of really useful support material.
Kim, Thank you for agreeing to keep on teaching this course in the future - strategy dynamics should clearly become a cornerstone in every Master´s program on strategy. And we will definitely proceed to work on getting practitioners interested in this subject.

Werner Hoffmann, Vienna University
You have been a teacher and an inspiring mentor, your Strategy Dynamics approach has had a lasting impact on how I think of Brand Strategy. Thank you Kim.

Vittorio Raimondi – Managing director, Foresight Strategy
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