Strategy tools, courses & learning materials for individuals, universities and business
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Contact us

To request teacher registration

When registered as a teacher you can take our online course free of charge and additional inspection material is made available to you on the website

Email communications
By registering as a teacher you consent to us sending you email communications deemed relavent to teachers.

Typically, we will send a series of 3 emails over 3 weeks outlining our materials and offers for teachers, on this site or
After that you will receive our Teachers newsletter (about 6 per year) and general announcements.
We do not sell or share our list with third parties.

Please tell us a little about yourself and your teaching
Please confirm that you hold an academic post and provide a link for verification.
This may be a university faculty directory page or other page that shows you hold academic status.
If we are unable to verify your status online we may request other forms of verification.

I hold an academic position at

Verification URL

My email address for my university is

Please ensure you provide the URL of a university faculty directory page or other page that shows you hold academic status - e.g publications list, plus your official email for your organisation.
If you need to send us other information please send to with subject 'Teacher request' and your name. Applications with insufficient information may be ignored.
I teach approximately [ ] students a year
I teach at
(Check all that apply)
Pre-university level
Graduate / MBA
Executive Education


What is your main reason for wishing to register?